
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

At Last an Offer !

Don't get excited though as the offer is about the price of nice narrowboat below our absolute bottom line  :-(

I rejected their offer so Mr Real estate should come back today with what we hope will be a decent offer.
We think they are probably just trying it on  - can't really blame them, it is definitely a buyers market.  Still pretty annoying though.

Personally, I'm pretty crap at making people ridiculous offers for anything; we brought a second hand car a few years ago and because we were cashed up and the young girl was a bit desperate I made and she accepted an offer for far below what is was worth.  However, when we picked it up we gave her more money because we just couldn't do it!  Hopefully Karma will pay off!

Update:  They offered $10,000 more - still nowhere near!  Mr Real Estate suggested leaving them for a few days!  Ah well - onwards and upwards!