
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Plane Spotting

So, what is the link between living on a canalboat and planes? Nothing really apart from we will be hopping on one soon to start the new life, plus I like looking at aeroplanes!  My dream would be to be on a narrowboat with a steam railway on one  side and an old aerodrome on the other.

Back to Sydney Airport....Elaine was on a course all weekend so on Sunday I took the 2 dogs on a road trip to show them the big birdy things where  they would be spending 24 hours stuck in a hold!  It is going to be the longest 24 hours of our lives worrying about the poor little buggers down there.

I know of a fantastic spot where you can get very close to the action legally.

First you have to walk along a beach and then at the end go through some bushes and hey presto great spot for watching planes; I have taken El there before and even she thinks it is quite neat.

Whilst walking along the beach a Singapore A380 had just touched down and was back tracking on the taxi way...

I have now flown on the A380 3 times to the UK and it is easily the quietest jet I have ever been in.
It in an incredibly ugly plane  though!
They come past so close that the pilots even give you a wave ...
The dogs were fine they weren't at all fussed with the noise!

This  Qantas jumbo was taking off, it is the official Wallabies plane and painted accordingly I flew on this plane to London in July and to Singapore in November ...
This sign in next to the fence ... as I said you can get very close!
I took a close up of a BA Tailplane...

An Air Pacific 747 came past, they used to owned by Qantas but now I'm not sure.
 And finally another A380 taking off for Singapore and London ...
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  1. Boring ! (How come I married a train / plane spotter ? Oh no ... we are going back to the UK .. he's gonna want another anorak ... !) Elaine :)

  2. Elaine, Elaine, Elaine....Boring?? Never. I don't know.....Some people,they just don't understand do they Paul! I've a spare anorak you can borrow when you get to the UK. Seriously it's great news that your plans are finally coming together. All the best to you both. Pav Ex owner NB Marmaduke.

  3. Hi Pav, thanks for the support hopefully mum has kept all my Ian-Allan trainspotting books from the 60s :-)
    I noticed that Marmaduke is up for sale again, looks like health reasons which is a bit sad.

  4. Hi Paul, Yes it's a real pity. The guy that now owns Marmaduke had been hoping to be a livaboard and CC once he retired. Unfortunately he's struggling physically to manage locks etc due to an old back injury. It's such a shame. You and Elaine have got a top class boat in Caxton Paul. I've been aboard two or three times, always admired the quality and fit out and you know that Lesley and Joe have really looked after it. Fingers crossed that you and Elaine are able to get here soon in order to enjoy life afloat. Regards, Pav.

  5. Blogging boater Greygal regularly comes cruising on our narrowboat (she has two boats of her own and 8 greyhounds) - she has a 'plane spotter' app on her phone and guess what she does when we're cruising - yep, plane spotting - especially when we're on the Thames and the Heathrow planes are virtually landing on our heads!

    Oh the fun to be had when you're finally aboard :-)

    Sue, nb Indigo Dream

  6. Hi Sue,
    Plane spotting, train spotting, pubs that we can take the dogs into, decent beer, countryside walks.....what more could you ask for?
