
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Lovely Market Drayton !

Elaine here ...

Today we made our way further down the Shroppie - Liam and I only had 5 locks to do today !  However, we were 4th in line to go into the first lock going up and there were two boats coming down - so we did the first lock a few times while we were helping people out before it was actually our turn !

It took a wee while to get through the locks but when we got to the top lock we did a bit of shopping at the Farm Shop there and then got on our way !

We moored up today at Market Drayton - we went for a little explore ...

On our walk into the town, we noticed that the gardens were all so well kept and the streets were so tidy - we thought it a bit like the Truman Show !  It had a nice feeling to it though - Market Drayton gets our tick of approval !!

Bill and Ben here are opposite tonight's mooring ...

So tidy everywhere !

... and this is Tonight's pub of the day - the Talbot - which was near the next bridge along.  We just had a quick drink before getting back to the boat for dinner.

The Landlord of the pub had his riddle of the day up, which got everyone talking before we sussed it out ...

what is a four-letter word
for a three-letter word
which has five letters
yet is still spelled with three letters,
while it has only two and
rarely has six and
never is spelled with five


  1. Hi both.

    We spotted Caxton moored in Norbury Junction. I don't think either of you were around. Maybe next time we will get to say hello.


    M n M
    Going the other way in Market Drayton.

  2. Hi Guys

    Great to meet you all yesterday, hope you found a good mooring last night and a pub? Look forward to having a drink with you next time. Doug and James

  3. Sorry we missed you, really enjoy reading your blog.
