
Monday, September 10, 2012

Excellent Weekend Part 1

Now this may come as bit of a shock to our regular reader but on Friday we were on our way from our overnight mooring at Napton by 8.30am!!!!!  ... the reason being we wanted to get to Braunston before it filled up.

We passed this marquee in the middle of nowhere, maybe is was going to be for a weekend wedding? It was certainly a great location, plus they weren't going to disturb anyone with their noise.

Not quite sure what boat is supposed to be; looks like a stealth design, it certainly wasn't invisible though!

The scenery was once again stunning, and the weather just fantastic, check out that blue sky - eat your heart out Aussie reader!

Check out the pics.......


The distinctive church spire of Braunston ...

Through the bridge ...

We chucked a u-ey in the marina entrance ... Bombo checks out the gap and says "OK, you can back up now" ...

There was a very large pike by the marina entrance, pity it was dead !

We moored up opposite the Boathouse pub nose-to-nose with NB Triskaideka!

We went to Tradline fender shop where we brought a new u-shape fender to sit underneath the bow fender.  (When we are going uphill in the locks I tend to put the boat in forward gear and jump off and help Elaine with the locking, the only problen is the bow catches on the cill on some of the locks, hopefully the new fender will stop any damage occuring).

We also popped in to AJ Canopies to get a press stud fixed and a small patch put on the cover.
Meanwhile Sam wrestled with the fender shop dog ... 

We took the dogs for a walk across the fields - because we can......they don't even bother with the sheep now, although we always keep them on their leads.
El - as nimble as a gazelle ... climbing over the gate !

 Walked back past the impressive marina entrance ...

Later in the evening we went to the pub for dinner with Ali and John from NB Triskaideka and Dave and Angie from NB Lady Esther - earlier Angie had presented us with a couple of her world famous pin covers (for which Elaine swapped some of her world famous soap !)

This was the view from the pub of Caxton and Triskaideka, not far to stagger home - which came in very handy later!

Once again a really great night out with amazing company, Elaine reckons she hasn't laughed so much in years (reckons her cheeks went into spasm from laughing so much !)

  L-R Dave, Ali, John, Paul, Elaine and Angie ...

We all came back to Caxton for a few more drinks ...

I'm not sure what time we finished, but it was fun, hopefully we will catch up with them again next year.

Elaine had a drive of the porcelain bus in the night......must of been the seafood ravioli, couldn't possibly have been to much drink!

Excellent weekend Part 2 Shortly ...

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