
Saturday, September 22, 2012

Mothers Last Day

Had a lovely dinner, washed down with a few beers last night at the Tame Otter pub in Hopwas.

Before we cast off the lines this morning I had to take a pic of Elaine's solitary tomato; this is the result of nearly 4 months work......the bloody tomato plants have infested the cratch and foredeck causing condensation and resulting  mould on the inside of the cratch, the cats crap in the pots and every Tom, Dick and Harry that walks past the boat thinks we are growing bloody marijuana.

But it is so worth it because we have ONE bloody tomato!!!!

There it is!
(My God, he is a whinger - how rewarding is it to grow something yourself - even if it is one little tomato - there are others - they are just small and green yet !!! Elaine x)

Mum and Elaine walked the length of Hopwas Woods.  If mother had seen the signs saying that it is an Army firing range she would have been hiding inside the boat.

Cruising past Hopwas Woods where, apart from being a firing range, the local witches go skyclad - as in, they get their kit off,.  I kept my eyes peeled but unfortunately saw nothing!

Keeping eyes on the canal ...

Very nice des res ...

Passed a hay bail Stonehenge ...

The optismistic Englishman, although in saying that today was very sunny and quite warm in the sun ...

Not sure what this crop is....answers please?!

Bombo having a sleep with his head in a plastic container!

Sammy being Sam!

and this is him doing his famous Meerkat  impersonation ...

We turned left at Fradley Junction and moored at the top of the second lock.
Elaine took the dogs and cassette for a walk down to the service area ...

The fender boat was moored behind us - the chap sat stripped off on the tow path in the sunshine making fenders, not a bad life!

Mum had a look around the shop whilst Elaine and I emptied the nasties down at the yard ...

Old British Waterways van in the foregroud with its C&RT successor in the background ...

It was such a nice arvo that we had to go for a drink in The Swan and watch the boats go by.  It is a very busy junction !

On the way back to the boat we passed one that has been named after our dog ... always knew he was special ...

So back to the title, it's Mother's last day with us today - brother Russ picks her up tomorrow morning.  I think she has enjoyed her 2 week stay with us. She is pretty fit for her 80+ years and walked with Elaine and the dogs every day, no doubt she will visit us again next year.

Mum found this pic in her purse - it is of her in Kew Gardens in 1948 with her best friend.  (Mum is on the left).


  1. Love it... made us chuckle!

    John is with Paul, Ali with Elaine!!

    Hope the tomato tasted good!

  2. A fine crop Elaine!


  3. It looks like an unharvested oil seed rape field. Why not try growing tumbling tomatoes on the roof next time. At least with our weather you hardly ever have to water them.

  4. I think that is a very good idea.
