
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Macclesfield, The Vets and a Lovely Walk

We went to Macclesfield yesterday to pick up a couple of suitcases for my trip back to Oz next week ... always good to go back in Macc and have a chat with Elaine's dad.  I also picked up my motorcycle gear as that will be my mode of transport whilst over there.

By the time we got back we couldn't be bothered to cook so went for dinner at The Three Crowns just outside of the marina - nice pub, good food and service.

This morning we went down to Stone to load up with booze and sort out Elaine joining my bank account.  Stuff Nationwide, Barclays are just so much easier to get on with, plus their on-line accounts are easy to read compared with Nationwide!

Then it was off to the vets to get the three cats vaccinated; they are going into a cattery when we escape from the marina at Christmas.  We couldn't believe how cheap it was - the three cats were vaccinated for the price of one back in Oz!!  We popped into the Farm Shop on the way back in to buy Geoffrey some prawns for being a good boy at the vets (who said our animals are spoilt !)

We then took the dogs for a walk through Barlaston Downs; what a magic place, we went quite late so didn't get time to explore the whole place.

I am still totally gob-smacked that dogs, horses and push-bikes are allowed to venture into a National Trust park. 

Back in Oz there is no chance of doing any of those activities in a National Park.

The dogs loved it as much as us and had a good run around.

By the time we had walked a few k's we were gagging for a pint so we dropped into the Swan on the way back to the boat.  It is such a magic pub, always a good friendly crowd, good age demographic (no bloody kids!).

Here is a pic of our new friends down the pub ... been there too long, I think !

The dogs didn't mind them - they were well at home in front of the fire ...

We are going to go for another walk to the Downs tomorrow - a bit earlier than today so we can do a lot of exploring !


  1. Sounds lovely - shame you have to come back down to the southern hemisphere, don;t expect you're looking forward to it?!

  2. Not really looking forward to it, but at least now I will be back before Xmas, it was going to be February.

  3. hi i hope you dont mind me asking but my partner has a narrowboat with a stove now we are both novices when it comes to fire making we both seem to be able to get one lit but cant keep them alight we have tried both coal and just wood, used paper scrunched up kindling and fire lighters to start, it is getting the that time of year that we would like to keep it alight all night if possible help if you can please x

    1. Well I am no expert myself as this is my 1st winter in 31 years! Generally I don't keep it in overnight because it is just too warm, but on the times that I have basically it has been with coal (Taybrite etc) I make sue that the fire is well and truly going well, as in no flames just glowing coals, turn all the vents right down and voila it will go all night, the cats love it!

  4. Please tell MacclesfieldI am on my way I woud want them to get a shock if I just turn up one day.

    1. We are in Stone at the mo, when are you cruising by?
