
Thursday, February 7, 2013

"The Sea was Angry Yesterday, my Friends!"*

(*Quote from Seinfeld - in case you wondered!)

... in actual fact, it was very, very angry!

We went up to check out Port Isaac, which we have been to before - plus seen numerous times on the box whilst watching Doc Martin.

After parking at the top of the village we walked down the hill, past Burt and Al's van!

Poor old flipper had been washed up on the beach, we checked to make sure that it was was.

Elaine stroked it and did some Reiki thing to it, the authorities came down later on and measured up, plus took lots of photos of the poor bugger.

We shared a 'Scampi & Chips' in the local you do.

Louisa's school (Dr Martin).  It really was a school it is now a hotel.

Dr Martin's house and surgery ...

After lunch we walked up to the cliff tops, it was blowing a serious gale ... poor Elaine couldn't do a thing with her hair!

Looking down onto the village ...

Bombo was having the same trouble with his hair!

You wouldn't want to be out in a boat in those seas.

Back down the village for a walk around, 6 foot wide fat derriere just about made it!

I love these little villages - I just find it so sad that nearly all the houses are holiday lets - so during the winter months they are ghost villages - we were virtually on our own. 

Yet more angry sea shots ...

On the drive back to Mousehole Elaine took about a thousand pics of clouds, so I better put one on the post! (It was spectactular - I couldn't stop! - El)

This morning we took another walk around Mousehole.

No wind at all today, and the sea dead flat

Later today we are going to catch up with a couple who lived near us in Freshwater and now live in Cornwall. Then we are off to St Ives, and that will be that.

Up early tomorrow for the drive back to the boat ... it is quite a nice feeling finishing a holiday and going back to a long holiday!!!

Back to boaty blogs next week as we get the boat ready for the off on 1st March...Woohoo!

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