
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Busy Blacking Day 3

Had a bit of a lay in this morning as there was frost on the ground and bit of a mist about ... well I can't paint in that can I ?!

Trevor (Elaine's Bro) wasn't going to come today as we are going pretty well to schedule plus he had some stuff to do in his house.

So what happens.....Elaine chucks a sickie!  She was a bit blotchy and red in the face last night, and this morning she felt and looked like crap, so she has spent virtually all day in bed ... except to make her little soldier breakfast and lunch.  Not sure what is wrong with her, she reckons it is an allergy to the paint or thinners etc!

So I had a very busy and most enjoyable day in the lovely sunshine.  I'm not sure what the temp was but it was very pleasant.

So, another coat of blacking, another coat of paint on the tunnel bands, plus I painted the the foredeck whilst we are on the hard as it is so easy to get around.

So she is basically all done!  We don't go back in the water till Sunday but we have been rushing around to get it done early as  the weather is supposed to turn crap tomorrow!

If the weather stays good I will put what's left of the blacking on, plus another coat on the foredeck and generally make her look pretty.

Looking Good

The sun sets on a perfect day


  1. looks very nice Paul. Make sure you're nearby when ours needs painting in three years :-)
