
Thursday, April 25, 2013

A bit of kulcha!

We had a very early start today as Ray and Toni were leaving on the 9.00 am tide!  We were up just after 8.00 am  ... never mind back to normal tomorrow!  I can't believe that for years I used to get up at 5.30 am every morning and take the dogs for a walk - it is easier when it is warmer though!

Anyhow we wanted to get some pics of them as they left ...

Away they go....

Under the bridge ...

Round the corner going past the big Swedish tall ship that arrived yesterday ...

Past the Port of Liverpool, Cunard and Liver building ...

Goodbye Liverpool!

And away they go!

We leave on the outgoing tide on Saturday morning ... see you in Manchester guys!
Back to the boat for breaky then it was off out to buy Elaine some shoes, get my hair cut and go to to St Georges Hall - which is a grade 1 listed building.  It is a truly multipurpose building where people can be tried for murder, attend a ball or listen to a concert all under one roof!

The first part we visited was the criminal court part of the building.

This is where they used to birch the young scrotes ... I don't think too many people would have a problem with it still being used.   (Mind you, it may have been a little excessive a punishment for the crimes committed then!)rst we went through. 

Elaine pondered her future in the holding cell ...

The courthouse, last used in 1984 ...

The judges chamber. this was before I had my haircut!

Next was St George's hall ...

This is the second biggest organ in the UK ...

Most impressive ...

The outside of St George's Hall ...

So, the update on today's mission was that ...
a) we got our bit of kulcha (back to the pub tomorrow!)
b) got my hair cut
c) failed on shoe-ing Elaine's feet  :(

The huge momentous moment today was that the 'hit' counter clicked over 100,000!  We have either been reading our own blog posts way too much or there are actually other people reading it !

Many, many thanks to all those that read this drivel - I am truly honoured xx

Nearly forgot again. ...


  1. Keep up the dribble us sad os enjoy it

  2. you must have worn out the refresh button by now - now i know what you get up to at 1.00am every night/morning


  3. So do we. We look forward to your posts as they are most witty and informative at the same time.
    regards Steve (writing this) and Chris
