
Friday, April 12, 2013

Short Cruise to Haskayne

We moored right next to the swing bridge last night, so Elaine's first job of the day was to hold up the traffic!
It least we will never hold up the morning rush hour traffic, we are never up!

Elaine manning the controls.

Geoffrey joined us up on deck, he was trying to get my attention. 

Passing the flyboat Ribble. 

Sammy needed someone to lean on

I have been feeling a bit crook for the last couple of days so by the time we got to Haskayne I gave up.

 Not a bad view from the side hatch, plus we are next to a pub, but I don't fancy a drink, hope its not bloody man flu!

I put my down on the sofa about 15.00 and awoke at 18.00....most odd. Whilst I had been resting El had been cooking up a storm, walked the dogs, prepared the fire for tonight, done some washing and cleaned up the boat!
I had to go down the weed hatch again today to remove lots of plastic, Is it me or are the northern canals a lot more full of crap than the southern ones?

Also went past Scarisbrick Marina, looked like an awful lot of empty berths.  

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