
Friday, May 17, 2013

Nigels Again

Today was the day that we bid farewell to our cruising buddies for the last 5 weeks or so and became Nigel-no-friends once more.

Usual late start, although 'to be fair' one of the reasons we are late getting going is that every morning we fire up the two lap tops and check out the real estate pages back in Oz.  Our preferred location to buy is Byron Bay but we are extending the search area slightly.

It is so different to the UK housing market, every time a new place comes on we email the agent plus our friends who live in the area, to let them know we like the look of it ... the problem being that the good ones are sold by the time we get a reply 24 hours later!! Obviously the old crap sits around, but anything good is snapped up!  Of course we do all this research whilst still in bed with tea and biccies....that's are excuse and we are sticking to it .. plus we both hate getting up early!

Back to today, Firefly NZ was pointing in the wrong direction, so rather than reversing to the winding hole we decided to turn it on the spot.  I acted as the bow thruster and bow hauled her around, we made it with inches to spare.

Just made it!

Bombo was bored and wanted to get moving ...

Away they go.  Farewell Ray and Leonie, have fun I'm pretty sure we will catch up somewhere.

Away we go with Elaine putting in a few miles on the towpath with the boys ...

Rumps lock was the first of the day, it had a very noticeable kink in it.
I had about one inch either side.

Running close to the road on the outskirts of Sandbach.

I really like these paired single locks, trouble was there were two boats in front of us so we had to set every bloody lock.

They do look good though.

We pulled up for the day just before the M6 motorway at Hassall Green. We can see the traffic but can't hear it inside the boat.

I took the dogs for a walk to check out The Romping Donkey pub, but it is no longer romping and still looks rather derelict.

After my reader Andy Healey requested no more interesting facts but more pics of Bombo I obliged, but now another comment, pics must be Bombo on the here goes.....

Taken on a beach in Cornwall this year

Taken on a beach in Byron Bay 2008

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