
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Stay Put Day

The weather looked a bit dodgy today, with the forecast of wind and rain, so we thought we would stay put on our mooring here at Barby and do some indoor jobs to the boat.

First things first. we took the doggies for a walk.  If Sammy gets a blade of grass or a little twig stuck in any of his paws he stops dead, as he did this morning.  I didn't realise he had stopped and nearly pulled the harness off his head!

He also lays in puddles when he wants a drink ... the poor boy gets hot very quickly. It's OK when the puddle is not too muddy !

We walked to the top of Barby Reservoir ... it was like being on top of the world !

Elaine nearing the summit ...

Repaired bridge - just another 200 hundred years and the sandstone should match!

Check out the little white sign on the gate ...

... Love it!

Repaired Bridge 79 from the other angle ... 

Once back at the boat, Elaine made up a couple of batches of soap to sell give away ...

Whilst Elaine was making a mess soap I cleaned up sanded and varnished all around the multi fuel stove plus the front doors.

I was most impressed with my new random orbital sander!

Tomorrow we will set sail again - and try to dodge the rain that is forecast - we may have to get up early :(


  1. B****y h**l, what is Elaine cooking that she needs that mask?
