
Saturday, July 6, 2013

Hot In The City!

Cmon Sammie, it's another lovely day out there, let's go for a walk..'bugger off, I'm staying in bed' came the reply!

We had a didgeridoo-playing-pom serenading us just near the boat ... he was concerned that it was too hot though and his wax was melting round his mouthpiece ! Hmmmmm ...

They have open air toilets in Paddington!

Elaine's sister and hubby had arrived from Kent, so we walked down to the pub for lunch.

It was a hot day - just look at the dust!

This poor bugger had been to the open air toilet but forgot to pull up his trousers!

... posing by the bridge over the serpentine.

All the hire boats and pedalos were out in force.

Niece Josie joined us late in the afternoon.

Girls hen night cruising by in the setting sun.

Then out to dinner ... OK, what shall we have to eat?

Pizzas it is then - BIG ones !

We walked them down to the station to say goodbye.  Grommit was still there, we thought he had gone to Bristol but this one is just advertising Grommits in Bristol!

Got to move tomorrow, need water badly.  Bugger !
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  1. Hi, when we moored in Paddington and needed water and didn’t want to lose our mooring spot we got up as some silly hour before everyone else was awake, crept to the water point and back again - even no problem didn’t know we’d been away!

    1. Hi Carol
      That is what we did this morning, I went down the end of the arm, turned to come back up the arm, couldnt believe it there was a boat coming the other way, bugger that, we nipped back into our old spot, at least we have turned now, we filled the 20litre containers so we are ok, we will try again in the morning!
