
Monday, July 22, 2013

Last London Visitors

On Saturday evening we nipped down to Paddington Station to meet our friends from Macclesfield.

Now here is a sign you don't see much ...

We normally get the Grommit photo when friends and relos leave but as we were there any way, we got it out of the way!  We dropped their bags back at the boat had a quick spag bol then went down the Queen Vic for a few beers ...

On Sunday Phil and Kathy took off sightseeing whilst Elaine and myself had a most relaxing day sitting in the sunshine, with Elaine making jewellery and me catching up on a bit of reading.

This duck and her ducklings have been hanging around the boat for ages, not sure what she is, looks like some kind of hybrid ...

Sunday night we walked to a fantastic Thai restaurant in Notting Hill.  We walked via Little Venice where the setting sun made a spectacular vista ...

Sunday night in London on a balmy evening and the pubs are packed ...

We caught a bus back to the boat and had a very late night night with a few more drinks and laughs.

Kate update ...
We heard a lot of commotion by the hospital this morning and guessed that she had been admitted.  I took the dogs for a walk to check it out this morning ... yep, she was there OK!  The security was now ramped right up, no more posing on the steps ..  it's all been cordoned off, there are now loads of cops on duty and heaps more media have now arrived.  This could be the last Kate Update as it is really packed, I had to carry the dogs through the crowds.  It's been good fun though.

This morning's (Monday) media throng ...

IT'S A GIRL !!!!!


  1. Paul, don't let me down I'm relying on you to keep me posted! Now you know it's a girl surely you know what they're going to call her!


  2. No it's not, it's a BOY surely there would have been hell to pay if it had been a girl. And there's no way I believe that they didn't know the sex ages ago.... but then I'm not a royalist :-)
