
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Sad To Be Leaving London

We didn't go out last night - I made a curry and we sat on the dock and ate it.  When it started to chill (the air, not the curry) we went inside the boat and had a light ales 'till early this morning!

Here Elaine and Kathy are drinking champers to celebrate the new royal baby; we certainly wet its head, we nearly drowned the poor bugger!

Consequently we didn't get up very early this morning.  When we finally got our acts together we went for a farewell breakfast with Phil and Kathy to our favourite little Arabic cafe around the corner.

We swung by the hospital for the last time, and as we suspected the world's media had all but vanished ... apart from this Irish team, they had just arrived....doh!

Then it was time to say goodbye to Phil and Kathy, as they headed off to catch the train back to Macclesfield; they were great guests, we hope to see them again soon.

Then it was our time to go .... we both felt like it was the end of a superb holiday where you have had so much fun you don't want to go home.  We have been around London for three and a half weeks and the lowest temperature has been 28 degrees - we really couldn't have asked for more.  As a dodgy actor once said, "I'll be back".

Bye bye Paddo :-(  

Ernie from Ten Bob Note popped out for a quick chat on our way to Little Venice ...

We sat for nearly an hour under the Little Venice bridge whilst we filled the very empty water tank and emptied the very full tanks of the nasties !

Through a carpet of green weed we crept ...

Past the majestic Wembley stadium ...

And finally to a good mooring outside of the Bulls Bridge Tesco. 

You may recall from a previous blog that we were shocked at the state of the Tesco dry dock and I sent a letter off to the 'Mr Tesco PR department' just after I did that blog.  That was nearly two weeks ago now and, to their credit, I received a phone call from a very apologetic Tesco customer service lady the day after I emailed them.  She also followed it up with an email stating that she had spoken to the store manager, Mark who knew about the problem and sends someone down to clean it two or three times a week!  Oh dear, I think Mark has been sending them to clean another dry dock ... the rubbish is still exactly the same!

We are watching the planes take off from nearby Heathrow; we are waiting till 21.00 when we can wave off niece Josie on her way to South Korea, I hope she can see us! 


  1. So you finally left after the birth of "COLIN", which I think is an exceedingly good name, for a future king. Pity his parents did not concur with your choice.

  2. I have really enjoyed reading your tales of your time in London and what a time you chose to be there! Safe travels wherever you are off to next.

  3. Wow! just read your last 3 weeks' blogs and I am exhausted! Our connection on the boat is too slow to keep up with anyone's blogs and I'm still a week behind with ours ... you've had an amazing time and I hope we can match it next year (that's the plan anyway)
    love Debby

    1. You will love it, I just hope you get the same weather!

  4. Where are you two off to next? Loads of time for more adventures before the winter! xxxx

    1. Up the Thames next and across the K&A, we should have my nephew onboard then for the multitude of locks.
      Paul xx

    2. We plan to start down the Thames and K&A at the end of August making for Devizes or further by October - we'll look out for you
