
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

A Very Long Day.....For Us

Yesterday's journey was one of the longest we have done since owning the boat, over 15 miles, 14 locks and nearly nine hours later we were moored up in the bushes at Great Bedwyn.  We did the journey non-stop, all the locks were against us plus there were no boats to share any of them with.  No complaints though, it was nice to feel tired for once!   By the time we arrived here it was nearly eight o'clock so we went to the Cross Keys for a couple plus we had dinner there as well.  Monday night in a small village and the pub was absolutely packed!  There were also five dogs in there as well, pretty perfect really.

So yesterday's journey....

A perfect start to the day, check out the sky....yet another bloody blue sky!  We actually knew a couple in Australia that once said to us that they were so fed up with the bloody blue sky!

The visitor moorings at Honey boat!

Lots of cows having a rest, it had clouded over by now but it was still warm ...

Thatched cottage in the forest ...

A lovely cruise, only passed three boats all day ...

Lovely ...

Three trail boats in a row ...

The swallows are really hard to take a pic of, this one had just swooped into the water ...

Into the 'Gday-Bruce' tunnel ...

Elaine had two lock buddies today ...

So to today, Elaine is booked onto a train this arvo, I will go with her as far as Reading, 'cos I like trains!  Then she will go Reading to Macclesfield with no changes.  Meanwhile I will return to the boat and get the party started.

Nearly forgot ... we moored last night by the lock landing.  Apart from sitting on a tilt, they are repairing the lock landing and driving in new piles, so this morning we reversed down about 500 metres to the service area, filled the tank and emptied the nasties.  We were hoping that one or two boats may vacate the visitor moorings, but only one did and it was too small and none of the other ones were leaving so we were back to crappy mooring.  We were just bashing the pins in when the hire boat that was moored up passed us - they had changed their minds and left, so another very quick reverse (the locals asked why I was practicing my reversing!) and we moored up in a perfect spot.