
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Last Day In Great Bedwyn

Took Sammie for our morning walk around the surrounding countryside, it wasn't as hot as yesterday, but still very pleasant.

It is a seriously lovely part of the world, and oh so quiet.

I cut through the graveyard on my circular trip, this old boy stands by his wife's grave virtually all day, he is in the pub every night, he suffers from dementia, they make him buy his beer but they feed him for free every night, they are such nice people in MY local! Every now and again he goes missing but they go out searching for him or the local bill bring him back.

I gave the boat yet another good clean up on the inside, getting it ready for the return of the crew.

I had a breather every now and again to have a look at the lovely view. I also rang the local C&RT man thanking them for allowing me to say on the 48hour mooring for over a week!

NB Uccello pulled up two boats down, I went and had a chat with them.

Then it was off to catch the train to Reading to meet the crew, there is Caxton moored behind the sign.

There's  my girl and her trusty side kick, it was really strange when Bombo and Sammie met up again after over a week apart I thought they would be really happy to see each other, but the just circled each other with disdain.

We were going to back to the boat first, but as we were both a bit hungry and Elaine was gagging for a pint or two we went straight to the pub and had dinner and those couple of pints. The doggies had a chat with the landlords dog.

I shook the landlords hand and thanked him for for....being such a nice chap and talking crap to me over the last week, I really could get used to village life!

So that's it our enforced stay is over so tomorrow we will be up and at it very early to try and get as close to Macclesfield as we can get in as quick as time as possible!  

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