
Monday, January 6, 2014


The alarm went off at the ridiculous time of 07.00 ... we even spotted a strange glowing ball rising from the horizon.

The reason for the early hour was because we were picking up Lesley from her hotel and giving her a lift to Stone railway station; she was off back to Australia via Klosters.

I can feel the start of a serious case of man flu coming on plus Elaine had a common cold so we took our leave of the Monday Aston Marina Escape Committee Meeting at the unlit and unheated Nissen Hut.

So we have quarantined ourselves on the boat all day where it is lovely and warm and Elaine can try out her witchcraft naturopathic herbalism on me.

For those doubters out there I found this on the net re Man Flu....

 Man Flu
A rare strain of flu so powerful and so deadly it can only be matched by the Bubonic Plague and Aids. A incurable virus which has adapted to only effect the "XY" gene found in men. The virus attacks the immune system 10,000 times harder than the average flu virus, causing excruciating pain for the victim. Man Flu has no cure and prayers can save the forsaken life of the infected. The often deadly virus is mostly laughed at by women who sadly cannot contract "Man Flu".


  1. see you even have a web site to sympathise with you!

    I hope Elaine soon feels better! :-)

    Ali x

  2. Ken has had man flu too - still not better. Hope trip to M went okay.x
