
Sunday, February 9, 2014

All In A Good Cause

Yesterday was another woeful day weather wise, so it was another day confined to the boat.

I did a couple of small repairs to a door and a tap whilst Elaine painted some rocks which she then leaves in strategic places around the place.....Guerilla rock painting!

Then a strange thing happened, Jaffa the cat put a crisp packet on his head (he really did!)
... he is a bloody stupid cat!

So to today, Sammie was as eager as ever to go for a walk ...

Then it was back to the boat to quickly feed the locals ...

The Christie Hospital in Manchester is such an amazing place ... treating thousands and thousands of patients a year, so I decided to go and do some fund raising for them.  Ray from NB Ferndale said he would like to come with me. 

So today we drove to The Manchester United football ground, grabbed our buckets and tee shirts and joined about 40 other volunteers.  We shouted ourselves hoarse trying to get the incoming crowd of supporters to donate their loose change to a worthy cause!  We spent about two and a half hours there and collected 245 quid between us!

Not a bad result !


  1. Well done - a very worthy cause!

  2. Well done Paul, a worthwhile effort if I may say so. Hope Elaine is recovering well. We're sending her our "hope you are well" wishes too
    hugs to her
    Steve & Chris
