
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Flag Lowering Ceremony

I forgot to put this incident on the blog when it happened a couple of days ago. They were cutting the crass on the hill behind A arm in the marina.  The hill is well known for being a popular place for un- removed dog shit!

The poor tractor driver hit a huge pile, causing the tractor to lose grip and skid down the hill into the fence!

He went and got the big tractor and I gave him a hand to drag the little tractor away from the fence. Grass cutting has been abandoned 'till the dog shit turns white and chalky! 

So to today ... I removed the Aussie flag from the tiller!  It has been flying proudly off the stern for over two years ...

The flag is furled - I will have to find a spot to fly it off the stern of the motorhome. 

Now when other drivers see the flag flying behind the van they will give me a wide berth as it is a well known fact that Aussie drivers are some of the worst in the world.  I was lucky to be a UK trained driver as I passed my car and HGV test in the UK. 

Elaine carried on with the sorting and packing inside the boat, whilst I gave the port side a good polish ...

Elaine on the phone to her sis, you get a good signal whilst hanging out of the side hatch ...


Meanwhile the cats did their thing!!

After a hard long day we went off to The Royal Exchange for a drink with our friends.......bugger they have all left :-(

Oh well, here's to us....cheers!

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