
Friday, May 16, 2014

Sunrise to Sunset

Elaine was up early this morning and captured the most amazing sunrise from across the water.
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I erm, missed it!
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The sunrise reflected in the buildings opposite …
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We took the doggies for a walk before we up-anchored.  Sammie was very excited by the big rats running around down there !!
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A few pics of the houses in Aveiro (or wherever we were last night!) … actually it may have been called Costa Nova do Prado ... not sure, really !!
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Off we went heading ever southwards, once again very little traffic …
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We turned off the main road and ambled down the coast road, instead. We stopped for lunch a very quiet little seaside village called Pedrogao …
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There were superb beaches either side of us. There were also a few motorhomes moored up so we could have stayed the night if we fancied it …
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We had a lovely lunch sat outside of a beach restaurant, total cost including drinks just over £8.00. Today was the first day where we really felt the heat, it just about got to 30 decrees c -  the bubble coats are officially stored, at last !
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As you can see the beaches are deserted, so too was the coast road, straight as a die and not a car for miles.  Check out the cycle way, it keeps the lycra-clad folk off the road.  There are very few speed cameras in Spain and Portugal so far, but what they do have (which I think is a great idea) is when you come into a small village etc the speed limit is 50ks.  They have yellow flashing lights warning you of this, sensors pick up your speed and if you break the limit they have red lights in the middle of the village which activate and stop you for a couple of mins….hence you don’t speed and there is no fine!
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We had a destination in mind. but like our narrowboat plans they change. We drove into a seaside town called Nazare where there were a lot of motorhomes moored up on a bit of waste ground, so we joined them. Elaine had a bit of a headache so she stayed in the van for a kip whilst I checked out the town.  We were two streets back from this….

Compared with what we have been used to the place was buzzing, although looking at some photographs of the place in the peak season it gets packed.
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Massive clean beach with quite a few shops and cafes.  Of all the voices I heard today we didn’t hear any English accents … I think the poms must stick to the south in the Algarve area.  There are very very few pommie motorhomes around also … perhaps we will meet them in southern Spain.
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It is a really nice place …
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I walked back to the van, El was up and had Bombo tied up outside the van to a mooring ring!
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Here we are with our friends, mostly French, Portugeezers and us …
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We all went for a early evening walk around the town, it is a really fascinating place …
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There are a lot of seriously old Portugese women selling dried fish and knick knacks on the beach … you can see one bending over next to the old lady sitting with the crossed legs!
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We sat in a little bar by the beach and watched the sun go down, I was awake for that one!
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And here we be, a bit further down the coast from Yesterday …
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  1. Hi to you both,
    We are following your travels with interest back here in NZ. If I may make a suggestion that you try and use Google maps to put a location map on your blog. This will make it easier to follow your movements rather than photo graph a paper map with a strategically placed pen for location. Have a look at our blog for an idea. I realise this requires internet access which is not always easy when on the move.


    1. Hi Guys
      Internet is a big problem, we have to be in and out of Maccas as quick as poss, plus we like the low tech approach.

  2. Chris and I like the furry pen technology, very hi tech :-) Having a great read of your new adventures and enjoying every word and photo so far. You guys look like your really enjoying this stage in your adventures.
