
Sunday, July 20, 2014

Back in the UK and a Very Sad Day :-(

We left Calais in the early hours of the morning and headed to the Channel tunnel check-in. We had to check the animals in first.  I was hoping that they would come to the van to check them but no, we had we had to take them to see them. I really didn't want the other people in the office to see the state of Geoffrey with the tumour on his eye looking rather horrendous.  As I thought they all were rather shocked at his appearance.

Animals sorted we went through UK Border Control in France!

There was not much tunnel traffic about ...

It's a pretty ugly train ...

You drive onto the train through a gap between the carriages ...

It is huge inside ...

I wasn't that keen on going through such a long tunnel, but it was great.  Us and all the animals crashed out on the bed in the back of the van, 35 mins later we were off and driving on the wrong correct side of the road again. 

Just over an hour or so later we were at Elaine's sisters house in Maidstone.

Sad Bit ...

We knew that Geoffrey wasn't going to get any better with his tumour all though he still seemed his normal self noticed that the last couple of days he had started to shake his head.  Was the tumour starting to irritate him or give him an headache? 

Elaine's sister and hubby came to the van to give us their thoughts; they said that their vet was lovely and sympathetic and asked if we would we like to go and see her and have a quality of life consultation.  We decided we would and that we would also take William with us as he was really struggling to walk with his arthritis and spindle cell tumour on his front leg.  He was also missing Geoffrey terribly as Geoffrey had started sleeping at the front of the van, and William would wander around crying looking for him.  Geoffrey was 23 and William was 20 and were inseparable for as long as we have had them.

The vet and head nurse were fantastic and suggested that their quality of life was extremely low, so we asked if they could be put to sleep at the same time. 

It was an incredibly sad but peaceful way for them to go, Geoffrey even reached out and touched William with his paw as the sedative was starting to send them to sleep, as if to say 'it's OK mate don't worry'.

And that was it.  A few minutes later it was all over.

Although it was incredibly sad it was such a lovely peaceful way to see them go.

I took this pic of William this morning.

RIP Boys ...


  1. That is so very sad but for them to be together was the right thing to do. You are both very brave to to that for them. RIP William and Jeffrey

  2. Got a tad watery eyed reading that. A real nice way to say goodbye, the hardest thing a pet owner has to do, but we know when they are ready and I am sure they know. Letting them go together was so very right, take care,

  3. So sad it made me fill up with tears, but definitely the right decision. When we had to make the decision for Charlie our Westie it was the hardest thing we've ever done.

    1. Its the first time we have had to do it, hard but very peaceful.
      Paul xx

  4. So sad. I've had to go through it many times, a price we pay for caring for our pets throughout their lifetime, right to the end, we owe it to them I think for the pleasure & friendship they give us.
    I found your blog by chance when searching for stoves for small rooms! Came across narrowboat blogs & got hooked on your adventures in the boat & the motorhome. Always got great photos!

  5. Oh Paul and Elaine you must be devastated. But what a decision to take, both over rainbow bridge together.. A lot of courage needed for that. It is never easy with our loved four legged friends.

    Thinking of you tonight.. So sad.

  6. Our sympathies on the loss of you beloved Geoffrey and William. Our thoughts are with you. It is always hard to say goodbye as you have had then both for a long time and they gave you their unconditional love.

    Robin & Jenny

  7. Sitting here reading this and bawling my eyes out. It's so sad to let our beloved pets go, we never forget them and the joy they bring into our lives. Thinking of you both xxx

    1. Thanks guys, feeling much better about it all today
      Paul xx

  8. I read the post out to Richard and couldn't finish for the tears. So sad and how brave of you both. Our thoughts are with you.

    Linda and Richard
    NB Mary H

    1. Thank you, all the lovely comments mean so much.
