
Sunday, July 6, 2014

Up And Over St Gotthard Pass

e had a good chat last night with our neighbours, Dan and Esther.  They are taking a year off work to travel around Europe. They are very keen hikers and write a very descriptive blog of their travels and hikes, check it out here   Lovely couple and we wish them all the best for their future travels.

It was another very late night of football watching.  I watched it in the outdoor bar with the site manager, Fabio and a couple of Dutch tourists.

So it was a bit of lay in this morning then a quick get-the-van-ready, farewells to Dan and Esther and we were off.

It was a nice drive around the lake, it was a bit narrow in places,but by now we are getting used to it.

Farewell Italy ...

And into Switzerland, sometimes Madam TomTom takes the piss and sends you to a dead end ...

 We were soon back on track and heading up the St Gotthard pass ...

Nice road and not too much traffic for a Sunday arvo ...

We had a break half way up to check out the view ...

We had a brief stop at the top.  It was pretty chilly which was to be expected as the top of the pass is 2091 metres (6086 feet)

We stopped half way down the other side to give the brakes a rest as they were very hot and stinking a fair bit!

At the bottom of the pass is Andermatt.  We pulled into the cable-car carpark, which in the summer becomes a motorhome park. Bargain, we thought, then we were told it would cost 26 Swiss Francs for the night.  Oh well, they have got showers and power and we had done enough driving for the day.

We went for a good walk around the village ...

What can you say, very Swiss ...

And very expensive compared to Italy and Spain etc.

We went for a walk up one of the hills, but the track got a bit to narrow, and Elaine didn't fancy rolling down into the valley below ...

Sammie spotted home first ...

This has to be the smallest motorhome in the world, a three wheeled Tuk Tuk ...

We went for another walk around the village tonight. the boys were most interested in the fish tank outside the restaurant ...

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