
Sunday, August 24, 2014

Magical Malvern

Elaine here ...

Yesterday morning we went to visit the animal shippers again to finalise arrangements for shipping the boys back to Oz.  They will be flying back on a Qantas A380 on the 9th February 2015, we will sort out our flights nearer the time.  

Oh, the thought of putting my boys back on a plane ... and then to jail (quarantine) for 10 days.  Well, let's just say its giving me palpitations ... already!  Oh well, it must be done.  It is not so much the flight that I am worried about for the boys but the quarantine the other end.  The Aussies have changed a lot of regulations (and prices) in the past year as regards bring animals into Oz, one of the changes being that you can't visit your animal when they are in jail, nor ring up about them.  Prisoners get better service ... and they don't have to pay $150 dollars a day (per dog) for the privilege ...!  I bet things would change if Tony Abbot had to ship his dog off.  
OK, whinging over, let's get back to the travels ...

When we were in Portugal we met a couple, who were similar to ourselves (ie, strange) and they recommended the Malvern Hills as a wonderful place to live, so we always thought we must go and visit.  So, we decided to make a move and make that our next destination.

The countryside around here is absolutely stunning - we really love the scenery around Shropshire. 

Today we drove past Ludlow, which also looked like a beautiful market town but we didn't stop there as we were on a mission to Malvern.   Tom Tom took us up a very tiny street, which should really have been pedestrianised, as there were people everywhere ...

Luckily, they got back on the pavement as we passed through ...sorry everyone!

Beautiful river (Teme) and bridge ...

The water was a bit calmer than those in Scotland ...

We had read on Mr Google that it was possible to park a motorhome in a long term car park in Malvern (Priory Road South), which we did.  It was a pretty central spot and as we were taking up two parking spots we paid for the two, coming to the grand total of £2 for for 2 hours!!  We noticed that coaches could park for 10p!

We decided to have a bit of lunch before we ventured out (it was also raining, so we were waiting for that to pass).  As we sat in the van, I noticed a man going to the bin and taking out a loaf of bread.  He walked off swinging his loaf with a big smirk on his face.  Strange, I thought.  

As we got out of the van to go on our looksie at Malvern town, I saw him again ... went to the bin, pulled out a loaf and walked off with a smirk!  What the?  I would love to have known what all that was about ... the things you see.

Anyway, the first stop was (of course) the train station.  We had read that it was beautiful, so went to see if it was true ...
Yep, it was pretty. No trains today though!

On we went, back up the hill to the town.  
We noticed there was a little craft market on on the way to the priory ...

They had some lovely products for sale ... such clever, crafty people about.  We noticed that a lot of people were dressed in an 'alternative' yet smart way ... we realised then that the lady we met in Portugal would have fitted right in here ... 

We went inside the priory, really beautiful ...

... and for once we were all able to go in together, because ...

Brilliant!  The people of Malvern seemed really friendly and smily.  We really like this place - it has the extremely live-able tick!

We passed this boutique - we thought they might be feeling like changing the name of it ... 

Part of the main street ... 

Lovely flowers on display along the roadway - bit hard to see, but they were lovely ...

We went into a little courtyard and found this, which we thought was a fireplace, but it is in fact an old Bottling Works Spring ...

... which I found absolutely fascinating but Paul wanted to 'get on' at this point (grumpy old git) !

On the way back to the van, we noticed this 'Theatre of Small Convenience' - made in a Victorian men's loo ...

We really had needed to get a move on though, as we had to go and find our night's mooring, which we had decided was going to be a pub car park from the Britstops book.  (We also had to make sure our night's mooring had good tele reception for the new Dr Who!!).  The pub was the New Inn at St Owen's Cross, Hereford - just outside Ross on Wye.

We arrived at the huge, empty car park and parked up ...

From the outside, the pub looked like it might be grotty and neglected but when we went in to introduce ourselves to the Landlord, we were pleasantly surprised.  It is a 16th C coaching inn - so pretty, bloody old!    What an amazing place and how looks can deceive.  The Landlord was just new as he and his wife were doing 'relief duties' til the pub was sold on by Marston's brewery.  Apparently it is for sale for about £450,000 and has been for 2 years.  

It was so quiet, with only a couple of people in there - on a Saturday night.  Apparently it has had so many landlords, that the locals have moved on, so the only business now is transient.  It is a really lovely, old pub, nice and clean and even has resident ghosts!  What a shame that no-one has bought it up and made a go of it.  We wonder what will become of it ... hopefully it will pick up under the relief landlord.

Today we have decided to nip to Tenby to have a quick look !

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