
Thursday, August 14, 2014

Plockton....This Is More Like It.

 Yesterday we left Loch Ness, passing Urquhart Castle ...

First stop was Chanonry Point where we were hoping to spot Flipper! Unfortunately there was nowhere to park and it was very motorhome unfriendly so we moved along a bit to Avoch and went for a walk around the village - and the beach ...

Bombo's latest trick - in lieu of a stick he drags seaweed out - he loves it!

We liked Avoch but the rain curtailed any further exploration so we moved off heading towards Plockton ...

It was a fantastic drive through some spectacular scenery ...

We found a lovely off the beaten track place for lunch, absolutely no one around and oh so quiet ...

There was a little shed nearby which had been lived in recently, on the side was scrawled English Scum......nice!

We carried on driving along the A road! The railway runs next to it, what a train trip that would be ...

The views were unreal, the rain had stopped and it was relatively warm ...

This is a single track road the A890!  They need a few Spaniards over here to show them how to build a road, although to be quite honest I prefer the single tracks, they are a lot more fun, we only touched mirrors once!

We then arrived and parked up in Plockton. We parked up in a carpark with about eight other motorhomes.  We wanted to see Plockton ever since the Hamish Macbeth TV Series back in the late 1990s ...

It didn't disappoint ...

The post office seems to be run by a famous narrowboater!

Just a couple of shots across the water ...

Locals enjoying the vista...

Our spot for the night - another 'illegal' car park ...

The pics don't do it justice, you will just have to go and see it for yourselves!

We went to a couple of the pubs - the second one had a diddly diddly band playing.  They were so funny, one at a time they would go off for a drink or a fag!  One of the fiddle players even had a break to play the one armed bandit!  We met a couple of young Aussie nurses in the bar, they worked in St Thomas's hospital in London and were on a holiday for a few weeks ...

The squeeze box player was a young version of hard man Vinnie Jones ...

We left Plockton this morning, Mr Tomtom took us up a dead end.....good start! 
It was a picturesque dead end though ...

We are now moored up in a hotel carpark in Kyle while I catch up with the blog and have brekky, there was no signal in Plockton at all ...

We are now heading off to the Isle of Skye then if possible we will try to get a ferry to the Outer Hebrides!

PS:  We have set up a You Tube channel to put our videos on now (thanks, Peter!) - hopefully if you follow this link it will take you to the sea-shanty-singing-sailors at Neptune's staircase locks, Fort Augustus!


  1. Scotland certainly has some stunning scenery - enjoy!

  2. So stunning, probably best I have ever seen!
