
Saturday, August 2, 2014

We're On The Run From The Old Bill!!

We are having a busy old time up in Macclesfield catching up with family and friends.

Yesterday afternoon we caught up with Phil and Kathy.  Elaine went to school with Kathy a few years ago.

We went to a really fantastic bar in Macc called the The Snow Goose, which is a fantastic bar loosely based on a ski lodge!

Well worth checking out if you can get a mooring in Macc.

Here is Kathy with the pub black lab ...

Last night we caught up with another school friend of Elaine's, Jane, her hubby Andy and their friend Chorley.

We met them under the Gurnett Aqueduct at The Kings Head; we had a really good night with good food as well.  We were a bit slack with photo taking yesterday, so no pics of them!

The funniest part of the night was when Jane was telling us about the previous landlord, who apparently liked to tell tall stories.  He left about 5 years ago and she couldn't remember his name, so she went to the bar to ask and came back with the previous landlord in tow - who just happened to be at the bar having a drink!

The stories started straight away ... he had been living in the Ukraine for the last few years with a supermodel who was a part time Russian gangster.   She put a hit out on him so he took off to Oman and bought a Harley Davidson and took off across the desert.  They are now reconciled and are off on a pilgrimage between her catwalk stints.

The bullshit just didn't stop  He went back to the bar after about 20 mins ... he was fairly amusing though.

Today was a slow start as it was been hammering down with rain.  I had to drag the dogs out in it, they weren't amused.

Later in the day we dropped around to El's brother Trev's house as he had been servicing big bertha (my Laptop).  He also fixed the remote for the TV in the motorhome bedroom, he is such a clever lad.

We left the dogs in the car as it was raining hard plus we didn't want to freak out Jaffa the cat and the house rabbit.

As soon as it stopped raining and the sun came out I said to El, 'come on let's go, the dogs are in the car.  When we unlocked the car the dogs went mental as usual, they are always happy to see us. 

We were then approached by a heavily tattooed 'female' who started going mental about what disgusting people we were for leaving the dogs in a hot car and how we weren't fit to own a dog ... us not fit to own a dog?!!  I very firmly told her it had been pissing down for the last 20 mins, the front windows were cracked open and the the interior temp gauge was reading 19 degrees!  She didn't stop going off but I kept calm and suggested she called the cops if she was so concerned, she replied that she had so I politely told her to go away.

We then went to Elaine's dads house.  He was standing outside saying that the cops were looking for us as they had just rung his house but he told them he didn't know where we were.  (The car is registered to Elaine's dads house, so they must have gotten the home number from that).

Trev then sent us a message saying the cops were knocking on the door of the house next to his looking for us but he had kept a low profile and they had gone away!

It's a bit of a worry when a nutter can cause such a fuss over nothing.  I may be some things but a irresponsible dog owner isn't one of them!  

After having a cuppa with Elaine's dad we headed back to the van and gave it a good clean up in preparation for moving on Monday.

Tonight we are meeting up with the crew from NB Triskaideka at Sutton Hall and tomorrow we are going to Lymm to meet up with the crew from NB Ferndale.  It's all go I tell ya.

I will finish up with a pic I have just taken of Sammie as he relaxes in the motorhome.  The temp in the van is 23.6 degrees ... I hope the tattooed bint isn't reading the blog!