
Saturday, October 25, 2014

Half Built Ruin!

This was yesterday morning beach scene.....deserted, apparently it will get busier this weekend as it is half term hols for the little ones.

Yesterday we went on a drive to nowhere in particular.....

Sammie navigated us down into the Cabo De Gato national park. 

After stopping for lunch at a nice little Spanish cafe we headed back to base but up the coast road.

We stopped at Carboneras, it was a very tidy and clean fishing port.

Just out side of Carboneras is a nearly built hotel that stands testament to Spanish corruption and the building boom pre GFC. 

Building was stopped in 2006 because it was being built in a National Park and too close to the sea, it beggars belief!
At the time the locals all wanted it demolished, however now there is massive unemployment they want it finished as it will offer 300 jobs to the locals. 

Anyway enough of that, right next to the hotel is a lovely deserted beach.  

As usual Bombo was running around like a mad dog chasing his sticks.

Elaine had a quick check to make sure there was no one around,

Then it was off with her kit and in for a swim!!

We are getting used to this naked lark.

 It is a truly spectacular unspoilt part of the coast, apart from the unfinished hotel that is!

We were going to go out last night and check out some of the bars and bands, but were too tired, we will have a go tonight instead.

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