
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Short Lunch

After another one of our usual late nights, it wasn't till about 09.00 that I took the doggies for a walk along the prom, as you can see there is no rush-hour it is absolutely deserted.

The beach was deserted.

Its not a problem by any means, I just find it odd that it is a virtual ghost town. When we lived in Oz, we lived in a tourist area, which in the winter became quiet but never like this, plus in Oz it would turn relatively cool but here the weather is fantastic, but still very few tourists. We noticed the same thing last October when we visited some properties in the Torrevieja reason, it was a ghost town. 

The hotel below has shut for the season, lots of the bars will be shutting down soon, Murcia airport is virtually closed and Almeria airport isnt too far behind. as I said it doesn't worry us we just find it odd.

I think we find it strange that it is so quiet is because as soon as we sold the motorhome Elaine banged off about 20 emails enquiring about holiday lets in all areas of the Spanish coast, we received three replies, so we thought wow it must be so busy down there. 

Mind you it will worry us if all the bars shut!

The weather is still fantastic, but is just a bit too warm at the mo 40 degrees is just taking the piss, it is supposed to cool down to about 23-26 degrees which will be a lot more pleasant.

We popped into the main part of the town just before lunch as Elaine had a medical check up with a local GP, she was due for a check up at Manchester today, but we didnt want to hang around and wait. It did cost us but not too much and still a lot cheaper than Oz.

After the visit to the Doc we treated ourselves to lunch at Tito's, we had the abridged version today of only one and a half hours. Tito's  is closing for the season early November and reopens in March.....

Bombo did embarrass us as a black cat which lives in the restaurant walked across the floor, he took off after it and jumped up on the rocks trying to kill it, I thought Elaine had his lead and Elaine thought I had it. No harm done he is to slow in this heat. It created a bit of a stir in the restaurant though.

Tonight I will walk down the road and watch Liverpool vs Real Madrid in one of the bars, plenty of bars showing the footy so no complaints there.

Congratulations to Ray and Leonie off of NB Firefly NZ on the purchase of their lovely new motorhome.

Check it out here.


  1. Hi folks
    We are coming to Spain for four months in December so we need to arrange a meet...long lunch, short lunch, breakfast, dinner whatever..
    X Lesley & Joe

    1. No probs, long lunch is good, where will you be staying?

  2. We have a place north of Granada. We will contact you when we arrive and get our bearings..long, very long lunch coming up!
