
Thursday, March 19, 2015

A Fair Old Hike

It was such a lovely sunny and slightly warm day today so we thought we would take a walk up to the White Nancy monument above Bolly village.

It's quite hard for us old buggers when you walk straight up the hill ...

Half way up we met some wildebeest ... 

Bombo was slowing Elaine down otherwise she would have been up there like a rat up a drain pipe! 

We normally go straight back down the way we came, but as it was such a superb day we just carried on into the unknown ... 

We never use maps or navigation aids when walking, we much prefer to get lost use my superb inbuilt navigation and homing system ... 

We walked along the ridge for a few miles ... 

It's at times like this that England shines ... 

How much further he asks? 

We cut down the hill passing some very impressive houses that are so far back off the road we never realised that they were there. You have to love the public footpaths where you can meander through people's properties ... there is no chance of that back in Oz, it is all private, keep out etc. 

Still downwards we went ... 

Passing a pretty crappy house with a lovely garden ... 

Another public driveway ... 

The photos don't do the views justice, but it was quite hazy ... 

Back to ground level and a quick chat with Mr Ed ... 

We ended up by the canal, but the towpath was blocked by the Adelphi Mill (Bollington).  Luckily there was an alternative route down another path but by now we were fair cream crackered! 

A quick pitstop and chat to a couple of boaters and their doggies ...

And then we got back to base, where Sammie quickly assumed the position! 

6.30 am start tomorrow - we are off to pick up our new home....woohoo!!!

By the way, Happy (partial) Solar Eclipse for tomorrow :)

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