
Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Poor Doggies....

We are picking up the motorhome on the 20th March, so yesterday we went on a mission to find somewhere to park it 'til we are ready to move into it permanently!

There is a farm on the way into Bolly, which we have spied from the road.  It has a very long driveway and looks very secure and they already had a few caravans plus one motorhome parked up.  So, we called in there yesterday and asked them about the possibility of parking our van there for a while ... result!  We are all sorted for £30.00 a month.  It will also be parked up on hard standing - even better :)

We had to go into Manchester today, but firstly we had to take the dogs to the vet to get their teeth cleaned.  Poor dogs, they have to knock them out for the procedure so the vet explained they would need to take a blood sample to check that they would be ok to be anaesthetised but that they also wanted us to collect a urine sample before we dropped them off!!  What fun we had chasing them around this morning at 8 am, as they cocked their legs!  Our neighbour thought we had completely lost the plot ...mind you, so did the dogs.

We picked them up on our way back from Manchester this afternoon.

Poor Bombo had to have a tooth out as well as a clean up, so he is very sorry for himself.  They are both still very groggy and certainly not up to their usual cheery selves.

No pub for Sammie tonight ...

Bombo with the glazed eye look ...

As an aside from today's happenings, Ray and Diane bought me a nice cup for my birthday.  
Why do people think it's funny when I have a drink from it?!


  1. Got to love schoolboy humour.....really made me LOL

  2. Your new motorhome is lovely! Les and I wish you both the best on your European tour part II. We hope you are both healthy and enjoy many more years of freedom and happiness.

    1. Thanks guys, wishing you the same on your future cruising, xx
