
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The Final Weigh In

The van is all loaded up barring the final few little bits and pieces so I thought it would be a good time to take it to the weighbridge.

The results wasn't too bad, but we were overweight.

The GVM of the vehicle is 3850 kilos this weight is the all up weight including me  Elaine the dogs etc. We came in at 3960 kilos, so we are 110 kilos overweight.

The front axle max weight is 1800 kilos, we came in at 1740 kilos. The rear axle max weight is 2250 kilos and we came in at 2220 kilos.

So all up we are 2.85% overweight, reading through all the info on the internet you are allowed about 5% overweight, so we should be right.

One thing for I wont be putting a scooter on the back, by the time you add on the weight of the scooter plus the rack I reckon it would add about 150 kilos to the back axle.

It is interesting to see the motorhomes in mainland Europe, nearly all of them carry scooters and motorbikes on the back, I reckon about 80% of them are overloaded.

The only way to do it legally would be to tow a trailer, but I really don't want to do that.

Tomorrow we are off to Milton Keynes again to put the final bits and pieces from the house into storage at my mothers.



  1. Hi Paul, our Rapido 963F (Fiat) is not overweight (just) with a 98 kilo scooter in the garage, I have also weighed it at the local weigh bridge and have a certificate. The axle weights are OK too, and our maximum permitted weight is only 3500 kg. I am led to believe, after my own research that a +/- 5% allowance in weight is allowed. Also, the weight is taken with a full load, but with only the driver, 90% fuel, 50% water and 1 gas bottle, from memory. My first weigh bridge visit was made with a full load, 40% water and 90% fuel, me and two gas bottles but no scooter. The Rapido website gives details of how the weight should be taken. With no scooter ours came in at 186 kg under the 3500kg max. with good leeway on the axles too. We have no trouble carrying the scooter, and with it on board I travel with no fresh water. We too could re-plate up to 3840kg as a paper exercise, but I am reluctant to go down that route due to the driving license issues when I reach 70 years of age, (medical certificate of fitness etc.) At 3500kg we are classed as private light goods. The Merc chassis must be bloody heavy!

    1. Yep it is a heavy old lump compared with the last one with the Alko chassis. We have a 600 kilo payload, but by the time you add on the extra battery, awning, satelliteetc it shrinks a bit. But I think the main thing is that because (hopefully) we will be touring for a long time we have a lot of crap on board, extra tools, battery booster thingy plus of course all of Elaine's clothes!!
      Also I weighed it with full fuel and water, there is 120 kilos of water!
      The garage is pretty full, there is no room for a scooter!
      We will be having a bit more of a cull when we are up at Higher Poynton for a week, but overall we are pretty happy.
