
Sunday, July 19, 2015

I Love A Sunburnt Country...

 We have been a bit quiet on this London trip as I feel a bit grotty, we have still been getting out and about but nowhere near as much as we usually do in the worlds best city.

Friday was a very lazy day, but we did manage to go for a Friday arvo drink down the local pub, only problem was it was the last day of school so the parents had bought hundreds of of little Tarquin's  and Arabella's. 

We did manage to find a quiet corner though.

Back at the van we could hear some music emanating from the park that backs onto the campsite, so we took a walk down there to check it out. There was an open air cinema going on so we sat the other side of the railing and watched it for free. The film was Labyrinth a favourite of Elaine's. 

Unfortunately we didn't bring any coats of blankets so we started to get too cold and and to go before the end. 

Yesterday we went for a walk around Crystal Palace, its not a particularly attractive suburb, but it pretty close to the city.   

Now the sunburnt bit.....I cant believe the state of the parks and peoples private gardens down south, they are so burnt, no such problem up north where it rains for 364 days of the year. I can understand the parks not having watering systems but why don't people water their lawns, back in Oz where it was a lot hotter, I watered the lawn before I went to work and when I got back as did every other bugger. Perhaps the pom logic is you know it will rain sometime so why bother. 

Last night we left the dogs in the van and headed down to Southbank to catch up with Elaine's niece Josie.

Southbank was going off big time, every restaurant was packed.

We had a good catch up in a couple of pubs and finished up in an Italian restaurant.

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