
Sunday, October 11, 2015

Enrique Hendrix Gets His Old Fella Out !!

We started off yesterday with our usual walk down to the beach and along the prom, checking out the villas on the way.

There are plaques outside, most of them stating when they were built and for whom.  Most were built in the late 1800s and were owned by Spanish high society, where they were home to extravagant parties.
However during the Spanish Civil War 1936-1939 the owners fled and the villas were converted to hospitals, libraries and cinemas, showing soviet films!

We walked to the end of the platge before chucking a u-ey and retracing our steps ...

We noticed that Bombo had gone a bit lame.  We think he may be older than his supposedly 11 years as he tires very quickly, especially in the heat ... not that it is that hot with the temps in the mid 20s.  He must have gotten used to the temps in Blighty!

After checking his paws for any foreign bodies I decided to carry him back to base ...

He is very happy to be carried and hangs on like a child ...

Is that a sneaky look back, to say 'yep, I've got him wrapped round my little paw' ...

Very happy ... 

There is a dog wash on site so we decided to give them a shampoo when we got back ... which would also cool them down ...

They don't mind it at all ...

Later in the arvo it was time to don the Aussie rugby shirt and break out the bunting and go and watch the rugby on the big screen.  We were outnumbered by the taffies 32-2! 

Of course the Aussies won, they even held out when down to 13 men ...

As soon as the rugby finished we went into the main dining area, which was absolutely packed with old buggers retired folk. 

The staff managed to find us a table and we had a nice 2 course dinner and two carafes of wine for 23.80 Euros (£17.85 / $37.18AUD).

One of the reasons it was so packed was that as it was a Saturday night and they had a turn on.  It was local heart-throb Enrique Hendrix, brother of the late great Jimi !!!!

He started off the gig with the classics ... Oh Diana, My way, New York New York, a quick burst of Viva Espana which whipped the grannies into a frenzy.  The bloomers were being ripped off thick and fast and Enrique was being pelted with M & S extra large from all corners of the auditorium.

This inspired Enrique even more and he started playing the guitar behind his back a la brother Jimi...  

I started to panic as I realised that to truly emulate brother Jimi he would also play the guitar with his old fella...

I was right.  Hey Joe started, the trousers and pants dropped down and the old fella came out.  Then the grannies started to faint.  Within seconds the house lights were on, the gig cancelled and Enrique was escorted off the stage in disgrace.  The oldies are still all talking about the gig this morning.

OK, so now the truthful bit ... his name was Enrique and he did play and sing those songs and he played guitar behind his head but we bolted when Viva Espana started!  It was absolutely woeful but we really did hear the oldies talking about what a great night it was ... all day long!

Tonight we will take the dogs out to dinner to a local restaurant, where they don't have turns on!

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