
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Our Current Mooring in Sutton

I do like the village life, last year it was Bollington, this year its Sutton.

I took the doggies and camera for a walk around the village, its just on the outskirts of Macclesfield and very close to the Macclesfield canal at Gurnett aqueduct.

It has a farm shop, a small convenience store and most importantly three pubs

The war memorial....

The Church.....

Back to our farm mooring. 

Perfect isolation 

One of the neighbours! 

Its a lovely site, so much nicer than a proper campsite, we have 240 hook up, a tap close by for fresh water and an elsan dump  about 30 ft away.

I borrowed the farmers ladder to climb up on the roof as the satellite dish wasn't deploying correctly, it took about five minutes to free off the sat arm, its working 100% now, just in time for Elaine's favourite programme Home and Away!!

Talking of Elaine......Yesterday we visited the oncologist in Manchester. There was no good news whatsoever, which was what we were expecting to be honest.

Neither I nor Elaine want to turn this into a medical blog so we will leave it at that, it has already morphed from a narrowboat blog to a motorhome blog then to a living in Mojacar blog......enough already.

Mind you a good medical story gets the ratings right up!!

In all seriousness thank you all so much for your kind thoughts and offers of boats/houses to stay in. The generosity is overwhelming......cheques are still very welcome xxxx 



  1. We did that walk around Sutton looking for Sutton Hall, when it was just up the cut. Sorry it wasn't better news yesterday, love to you both, assuming El is home and you are not mooring the motorhome in the hospital car park so she can watch H&A!! ;-)

  2. No cheque I'm afraid :-) just a big virtual hug for you both.
    Kath (nb Herbie)

  3. Sorry it wasn't better news from the hospital.

    1. We weren't expecting good news, just being hopeful.

  4. So sorry to read this news. Thinking of you both-stay strong. x

  5. Glad to hear that you’ve got your lovely lady at home! Our love, thoughts, prayers and hugs are with you both. xx

    1. Thanks guys, we are determined to see that wide beam one day xx

  6. We are so sorry to hear that the news was not better yesterday. Our thoughts are with you both. Take care. Jennie and Chris (nb Tentatrice)

  7. Thinking of you both at this difficult time, sending you heart warming sunshine from Spain.
    Heth and Dave xxxx

  8. Gurnet Aqueduct? Must be "perfectly adequate!"
    Graham & Andrea
