
Monday, March 21, 2016

What A Sad Bastard

I received an email today from Paul Balmer (UKWRS) letting me know that I have been abusing the system!!

Apparently some small minded little turd didn't like the fact that we were no longer narrowboat owners yet were still on the UKWRS site!  I just wonder why someone would do that, considering the fact that I am always mentioning canals and boaters at every opportunity!

We have even started the MCC (Mojacar Canal Club) as a bit of a joke but I have actually received quite a few emails from boaters and non-boaters who are looking for a winter escape, so I had better start taking it seriously!

I am also pissed off that Paul from UKWRS thought that I may have deliberately, or maybe accidentally, tried to rig my site to improve my ratings!!!  Because the counter had stopped I thought there was a fault so I reinstalled it ... I couldn't believe that it had stopped working because I had been blocked!!

Only after realising that I had been blocked did I read the rules about site content, so yes I am guilty as charged (there isn't enough canal content).  It is Paul's site and I fully respect his decision.  As he says his site is a bit of fun, so is mine.

I did enjoy having the UKWRS on the blog as I did look at it occasionally to see how we were going and was quite surprised how high up we rated as I write what I consider a pretty much tongue in cheek, casual blog.

As for the person that dobbed us in to Paul, have a good hard look at yourself, you are a SAD BASTARD!!

Signed........Angry of Mayfair!!


  1. O' dear I fear I may be next..... The dobber ( a slang name for a condom from my youth ) should take a view on my ramblings. I guess while his world would end if you or indeed I got the odd ranking point in what is a bit of fun I think I would sleep equally well tonight. Chuck it over your shoulder..... But I am sure you already have .....

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I never have a problem sleeping, but have to admit I found it very petty that someone took offence. Paul has no choice but to act unless of course he relaxes the rules.

  2. Unfortunately Paul the world is full of petty minded little gits... but
    1-I follow your blog because it is what it is... a bloody good read ;)
    2-I don't follow blogs just for their 'rating' position, in fact I don't look at ratings anyway :)

    1. Its the pettiness that pissed me off.
      Thanks for the good read bit!!

  3. For goodness sake have some people really not got better things to do in life than get upset with such trivalaties! WHO cares? - obviously some one with nothing better to do?You may not have a boat now (If that's what it's all about) but your blog always has been and still remains one of the most interesting, entertaining, with light hearted fun and is such an inspirational read despite the difficult times you have at the moment.

  4. I have been reading your blog for years now and always enjoy it. keep it up and all the best to you both

  5. I've been following your blog for a few years now and I really enjoy reading them. Please keep it up.

  6. I would echo what everyone has said on here.

    I certainly don't read blogs based on ratings, I read based on what I enjoy reading.

    I used to have a narrowboat but circumstances dictated that I had to give it up. I still yearn to go back to the canals but for now I have to enjoy other people's lives aboard.

    Keep doing what you are doing!!

    1. Thanks I reckon one day we will have another narrowboat.

  7. Your blog is one of the best and inspirational. keep writing!

  8. Never mind Paul, whoever it is must live in their own little bubble of discontent, unable to see outside the box. They're probably jealous that people like us can find true colour outside of it. xx

  9. Paul,
    I 2 eko wot they said. Yours is one of the few blogs that brings a smile to my ugly mush every time I read it.

    I reckon jealousy is the little git's reason. Obviously from the comments whether you are on UKWRS's book or not, it will not make a jot of difference to your standing. Your blog is still going to be a damned good read whatever.

  10. Makes no odds whether you are in our out.. Your blog is always waited for daily by everyone.. 'Tis not important to be on the ranking site.

    I came off because I was getting hounded by members of the public banging on the boat etc, not quite my scene on a Sunday Roast eating time.

    Back on again now so NP has as much internet air time as poss when we sell her.

    Paul you blog is one of the best written out there!

    1. Thanks Sue, and coming from you as the No1 narrowboat blogger is a great honour xx

      We sold Caxton through the blog, all down to you telling George and Sue to check it out. I still owe you many beers, which we will sort once we meet up again some time in the future.xx

  11. Playing a bit of blog catch up here guys. WTF this can't be a fellow blogger. Most bloggers have long lists of links to other blogs so certainly no competition between bloggers. Could it be someone got the hump about something commented and didn't like your answer. Who knows, F em don't worry about them.

    1. Hi Les, yea dont know, and dont really care, it was just a nice little barometer to see how we were going. Not really important in the scheme of things.

  12. I am personally glad they have kicked you off, Sue from NP also needed banning along with the guys off chance and a few others, then we might make the top 50! Seriously I wouldn't worry about it, there are always small minded petty folks who really need to get a life. Your blog gets readers due to you & El, it's one of the few that I read these days. Take care Ali x
