
Wednesday, April 6, 2016

More Visitors And Some Good News.

 We have visitors (Ken and Pam) at the moment, which is always nice, they have a hire car so they take off and check out the sights whilst we have been staying around the villa, still unpacking boxes from their four year storage, its taking ages as we unpack and check out each item.

 The photo albums are the worst as we have heaps of them and you cant help checking them all out.

We did take our visitors to the market at Villaricos on Sunday, its a great market especially for fresh fruit and veggies, most of the produce is 1 euro a kilo!

It also has a fantastic herb and spice stall.

Pam has been Elaine's friend since they worked together in Saudi back in the early 90s, when I met Elaine back in 1994 they were flatting together in Sydney.

They are visiting us from their lovely cottage in the Scottish Highlands.

It is also Kens 60th birthday so we will go to a nice restaurant tonight to celebrate it.

They leave tomorrow then my brother and his Mrs are paying us a visit next week immediately followed by more friends from Macclesfield....Welcome to the hotel California Mojacar.

Unfortunately Pam and Kens visit has been  soured by very crappy weather, its rained for two days and has been so cold we had the heating on at night, however normal weather and sunshine will resume tomorrow.

This was last night, raining with a glimmer of hope in the sighting of a rainbow.

Today's walk with the dogs and it was a grey one. 

We had some really good news when we went to see Elaine's oncologist on Monday, the Ca125 ovarian cancer marker had dropped from 21,000 to 12,000, so the oral chemo is working, he has now increased the dose to hopefully keep the horrible disease at bay.

Further to my last couple of posts.......It was bought to my attention that The Blue Sea Villas website states that they have a blanket no pet policy this is not  entirely  correct, if you email the owner Wendy she will always find you dog friendly accommodation, as she has already for a few of our friends.

Car hire in Spain......out of the  four visitors we have had who have hired a car, three have been ripped off, BE WARNED!!


  1. Great news re El! Spanish car hire is full of pitfalls and great care is needed not to fall into one. As for your driving licence, the new rules applied to your UK driving licence now that penalty points are no longer applied to the paper, but done electronically instead, means you have to visit the relevant .gov website to get a code to allow the rental company to access your details before the hire contract can be completed. This is your own responsibility, and if you can't hire because you haven't done this, it is nobody's fault but your own, and would be the same in the UK. Having said that our Spanish hirer, kissacar, didn't want to see mine, and accepted my word regarding penalty points. Unusually they also didn't reserve the insurance excess value against my credit card, which was another good point for them against the rip off merchants. I was quite satisfied with them, even though by no means the cheapest.

    1. Well there is a lot of info out there now re ripoffs, so hopefully it will stop.

  2. Great news for El. All the best.

  3. Great news about Elaine's cancer marker. Hope she's feeling a wee bit better too. Love to you all (including all the dogs). Jennifer and Peter (Tassie)

  4. What wonderful news! Love and hugs to you both. xx
