
Friday, September 9, 2016

Last Day On The Farm

Today is my last day on the farm, its going to be quite emotional to leave as I have been here for over three months. But its probably fair to say its not been the best three months of our travels.

With Elaine's words ringing in my ears " Don't blame me if you are miserable and mope about"  its time to go.

Obviously I will never forget Elaine and there are going to be lots of lovely memories as I hit the road, there are no bad memories.

Hopefully the blog will return to seeing the funny side of almost all situations.

I will leave here tomorrow morning, I have to pick up the ashes this afternoon and securely fasten her back into the co pilots seat.

First stop will be Milton Keynes where I will drive around lots of roundabouts and catch up with my family.

On yesterdays post I forgot to mention my lovely niece Hayley who helped me sort the funeral out by liaising with my side of the family who all live down south. Also to my niece Kimberley who with Hayley made sure that everyone received one of Elaine's crystals or special stones that she collected on her travels over the years. 

Huge thanks to Elaine's best friend Jane who lent me her lovely Volvo car for three months whilst she walked to work!! 

Im sure I have forgotten some folks I can only brain hurts!

Finally finally finally.

A lovely poem written by Elaine's niece Leyna in memory of her favourite Aunty  Bubbles



  1. Wow! (With tears in my eyes)
    Have a good journey and look after yourself, you have been a star.
    Kath (nb Herbie)

  2. Beautiful poem....onwards and upwardsPaul.... be gentle with yourself Hun ...with Elaine in your heart enjoy the next adventure xxx

  3. Paul, The deep beauty of Elaine shows through in all of your posts; the love and pleasure that you, your families and friends had for and from her are so lovely to read about.
    It sounds as though her funeral and its planning were all that you desired, and clearly you did a grand job of speaking about and for Elaine. She would have been proud of all of you, and so moved by all that was said about her.
    Go well, Paul - clearly you are under instruction to keep on living and enjoying yourself. You know she'll be with you every step of the way - after all, you carry her heart in your heart.

    Big hugs, Marilyn and David nb Waka Huia
