
Friday, September 16, 2016

Rare Rastafarian Donkeys!

It poured with rain all night and most of the morning, so I spent half of the day, catching up on emails, banking and hand washing all my clothes.

By about 13.30 the sun came out so me and Bombo went walkies.

This is the Aire its long and narrow.

A pic nicked off the net shows St Martin De Re fortifications that completely surround the town, they were built to keep out the pesky English.

They are very impressive, the walls are probably 30ft high and if you are up on the top of them there is nothing to stop you going over the edge. 

Bombo enjoyed the solo walk, we left Sammie back at the mothership resting. 

We walked halfway around the town reinforcements, before spotting some beasts, I thought they were cows at first until we got close up....

Then I realised they were the very rare Rastafarian donkeys! 

We entered back into the town through one of the gates. 

Then just ambled about the streets.

Before ending up back down the harbour where I had a couple of beers.

I will head off tomorrow, but I still haven't decided where yet!

1 comment:

  1. Looks lovely Paul. We've just arrived back in Tasmania and they're had a lot of rain and the wild flowers are everywhere. Sun is shining brightly. Got some gardening to do and some bathroom renovation then off to Indonesia. Keep well. Hope Sammie is getting better. Jennifer and Peter. Nb mactras fiia
