
Saturday, October 22, 2016

Drowning in Cadiz

It was a pleasant day when we left Gibraltar, the marina was buzzing with yachties getting ready for a race.

Our destination was Cadiz as it was only about an hour and a half hours drive away.

As we neared Cadiz it started raining, by the time we reached our parking spot on the edge of the old part of Cadiz it was absolutely bucketing down with a massive storm going on.

Now why didnt I bring any wet weather gear whatsoever, or anything more than shorts and t shirts?

We sat in the van and had a few beers whilst checking the radar for a clear spell, it looked like we were going to get a window at about 16.30. Right on the dot it stopped raining so off we went with the doggies in tow.

It was only a short walk into the centre and it looked a fascinating place.

The rain had kept all the locals and tourists indoors.

About 20 mins after we set off the rain was back with a vengeance. We were getting soaked so it was time to head into a bar, the first one was OK as I dont think they spotted the dogs under the table.

We decided to head back to base stopping at a couple of Spanish bars on the way, no chance Cadiz isnt dog friendly, we were turned away from three bars and arrived back at the van very very wet and cold.

The poor boys were shivering so I turned the heating on and dried them off.

We decided to stay in for the night as its still belting down with rain.

Our plan for tomorrow was to head towards Seville, but the weather is looking awful so we may have to reconsider.

The rain in Spain doesn't always fall on the plain! 

1 comment:

  1. No wet weather gear at all ....gents what we're you thinking 😰😊
