
Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Family Visit

I have my family visiting for the last week, Brother Russell his wife Tracy and my sister Jackie arrived last Wednesday morning and I took them back to the airport today.

It was a nice easy visit which is just as I like it, I have a spare car plus a spare scooter so I just hand over the keys and away they go.

They loved the beach and the my office (Beach Bar)

I generally met them down at the beach in the late arvo and then we all went out for dinner at night, I did cook one night!

I sold the motorbike last week as I just wasn't using it plus the scooter is a lot more fun and easy to go shopping in etc.

Im off to see the Dr on Thursday as I have some strange things going on in my head that I want to get checked out.  I really wouldnt worry if it was serious, I would be quite happy to meet up with Elaine again, as long as its quick! 

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