Has anyone else noted that when moored up at Hanwell the canal bubbles under the boat, giving you the impression that you are sinking?!
No big plans for today so we thought we might as well head down to Brentford and check out the lock for going onto the Thames. (We don't plan very far ahead!)
Before we got going I took the dogs for a good walk. I walked to the top of a nearby hill, I could just about see Heathrow and noticed that the planes had been landing and taking off towards the east for a change, I don't think it was a wind decision as there is none, perhaps they like to share thelove noise.
Bombo assumed the position and off we went, all of two locks today.

Mr heron was looking particularly handsome.
No big plans for today so we thought we might as well head down to Brentford and check out the lock for going onto the Thames. (We don't plan very far ahead!)
Before we got going I took the dogs for a good walk. I walked to the top of a nearby hill, I could just about see Heathrow and noticed that the planes had been landing and taking off towards the east for a change, I don't think it was a wind decision as there is none, perhaps they like to share the
Bombo assumed the position and off we went, all of two locks today.
Mr heron was looking particularly handsome.
When we arrived in Brentford we grabbed the first mooring spot we came to, as we always do, just in case there are none further on. We moored opposite Glaxo Smith Klein.
We grabbed the dogs and walked down further towards the gauging locks; the place was deserted! So I jogged back to the boat, holding onto the camera securely, and bought the boat down first to the service point for a fill and dump, then reversed back to a nice spot ... perfect! I'm glad we didn't have to raft up to another boat, not that we are unsociable its just that I like to open the side hatches and get some air through the boat, plus I don't want to have to hear my neighbours goings on - and the dogs would bark a lot!
So don't tie up next to us, OK! Talking of air through the boat, what about this weather? As the title says, it's like living in the bloody tropics, it is so humid. Not that I am complaining, it is still 300% better than last year's summer and is easily equal to our old Australian summers!
Good mooring spot ...
We then took a walk in the balmy conditions down the towpath to the Thames Lock. On the way we spotted this ... could this be the first of a bumper season? Last year was crap.
I took a walk back down the lock at about 17.00 when the lockie was on duty - nice young chap, who told me this was his first job with CaRT! We are 'locked in' for 06.30 on Monday ... Yikes!
On the way back to the boat I checked out a few of the pubs, so tonight it will be The Six Bells, as they have a band playing.
... and now the rain has just started here, which will cool things down a treat!
Apart from the wind direction there is also the Cranford Agreement that dictates the east/west flight-path decision.
Interesting, never heard of it, I will check it out.
I could do with that 'dry dock' right now! :-D
ReplyDeleteGood plan, out through Brentford lock, tide goes out, welder does his stuff, tide comes in, and back through the dock. I wonder how deep the mud is?