
Monday, February 3, 2014


As you can see the "keep the dogs off the war-wound box"  fitted a treat last night!

So Bombo crawled up the side and sat on her head instead!

Today being Monday it was the usual get together at the cedar huts for afternoon tea and drinks.  Last week it was Australia Day, this week it was St Piran's day, being the national day of Cornwall. The trouble is, I have just googled St Piran's day (I do like the blog to be accurate) and apparently it is on 5th March so I will have to check with our Cornish contingent on the marina to find out why we are a month early!

Any way back to business, any excuse for a drink.

As you can see Elaine made the trip to the huts today!  She was well wrapped up, plus had a hot water bottle as the huts have no heating.  Diane (NB Ferndale) brought along a bundle of blankets and she was soon cocooned in them, so she was well cosy!

The food today was a gastronomic delight with Dot's Cornish pasties, which were superb - the best pasty I have ever tasted in fact!  Sue brought along her world famous,yummy flatbreads, Joan brought scones, Bev brought cheesecake and Diane made some Nigella-Lawson-inspired salty chocolate slice, with a line of coke on the side.

I bought some meatballs from Aldi....I've been busy, OK?!

Gordon was flashing his Cornish rugby top ...

Next week it is going to be a Curry Monday!

Sammie enjoyed having his back scratched ...

We also found out that there are a lot of Aquarians on the marina. We had five rounds of Happy Birthdays - to Elaine, Ray. Joan, Bev and myself!

Before I get to the title of the blog, a special mention to Diane from NB Ferndale ... not only has she been walking the dogs whilst we have been going back and forwards to Manchester, she also has volunteered to be Elaine's personal nurse and has offered to give her a daily heparin injection (for the next 21 days).   I should add that Diane has thirty years of nursing experience.  I can't make out why Elaine doesn't want me to do it!    


Yesterday the  pageview meter clicked over 200,000!

I find it amazing and humbling that people take time out to read this blog.  When I started it back in March 2011 it was intended to be a daily, albeit public diary for friends and family to see where we were and what we were up to ... now we have a world wide audience!

It has always been a very much tongue in cheek blog on narrowboating, but sometimes, well most times, the narrowboat link is very tenuous!  How much boaty stuff can you talk about when you are stuck in a marina for months on end?!

I will end by saying that I really enjoy writing the daily drivel and thank Elaine for correcting my spelling, grammar and punctuation like waht she doz!

Thank you all for reading!  


  1. Thanks for the almost daily drivel Paul, it often makes me smile! Lovely to see you looking so well Elaine, take care and please make sure Paul makes good use of that lovely purple mop. Paula

  2. Your blog makes me chuckle and it is a pleasure to help such an an amazing inspirational lady. And yes I can understand her preference for my injections. Diane

  3. You’re very welcome Paul - we do so enjoy the drivel!
