
Tuesday, February 4, 2014


We are trying to go bed earlier these nights to make more of the next day ... we are slowly getting there - we made it to bed at midnight last night!

RAK number 1:  Ray and Diane bought me a bottle of Man Flu mixture, as they know at this difficult time I cannot be laid up with the worst disease known to mankind!

RAK number 2:  On our way out to Stone this afternoon we dropped by Ray and Diane's boat NB Ferndale for a cup of tea and yummy Tim Tams, then Diane stabbed Elaine with a 'kin great needle! Actually it isn't too big, but she has to have a jab every day for a month to reduce the chance of a blood clot after her surgery.

RAK number 3:  We drove down to Stone and found a nice parking spot quite close by.  As we were walking up the road the traffic warden was putting tickets on some cars - he nicely told me that where I was parked had now turned into a school pick up zone and asked if I would like to move the car across the road, so I didn't get a ticket.  Nice chap, could have just let me walk away.

RAK number 4:  Next we had to go and see a solicitor to get a couple of certified copies of our passport for some business back in Oz.  No probs ... he photocopied the passports, stamped and signed them for us.  However, upon asking how much we owed him he said "nothing"!!  A solicitor that doesn't charge!  Another nice chap.

Then I stealthily crept away and bought a card for Elaine as it's her birthday tomorrow.  I couldn't find her a present, but I bought a book for myself!  

We were thinking that we didn't have to go to Manchester for about three weeks but the Surgeon's secretary rang today to summon us back there this Thursday instead.  Oh well. up the M6 again.


  1. Happy Birthday Elaine....... XXXOOXX... (tomorrow)
    Leonie & Ray.....

  2. That's a very happy birthday Elaine, you look terrific for 32 considering what you've had to put up with (did I hear his squeak of protest?) xxx

  3. A very happy birthday Elaine. Love John & Ali xxxxx

  4. Happy Birthday Elaine! You share the day with Gary!!!
    Love Della and Gary
    NB Muleless

  5. Thank you, thank you and thank you xxx
