OK - so I have been back for over a week and today is the first chance I have had to do a bit of blogging - the main reason is the poxy jet lag ! (Even though I got an upgrade to B
usiness Class and slept for 16 hours on a 24 hour flight it still makes you feel like crap for about 5 days!). Another reason for being slack is that work has been hectic - November was our biggest month since the company started 20 years or so ago, in turnover, sales and profit. We have been just so busy and if it carries on we will need more staff; we already have 5 on the phones selling marine parts all over Australia and are
averaging 100 invoices a day, plus quotes and general enquires and its pretty full on. A few reasons why we are so busy is (1) Christmas and everyone want their boats ready for the hols (2) New boat sales are
buggered so they are spending keeping the old ones in good order (3) Our major competitor has just about fallen over so we have picked up a lot, if not all, of his customer base.
So that's the excuses out of the way, so with beer in hand off we go....
Once upon a time........
Because of Elaine's appendicitis operation I didn't leave Oz till Saturday afternoon and arrived at mum's in Milton Keynes Sunday lunchtime. I went out with a few family members on Sunday night and on Monday morning I was off to Amsterdam via Luton Airport and Easy Jet. (My boss had gone direct to Amsterdam; he left Oz on Sunday night and he arrived at the hotel about 10 minutes before me!). We went out straight away and had a walk around the local Leidersplain area and had a few beers before we had a pretty early night and a bloody good sleep!
My Artistic Shot |
I just love Amsterdam, such a great city with so many different bars and restaurants, some pretty good museums but we just don't have enough time to have a look around them - it is a business trip after all!
Nice bar where we had a drink or two |
We stay at the Amsterdam Americain (Hotel) and a lot of the waiters and bar staff are the same as they were on my first trip twelve years ago.
Our Hotel |
It's a great show for us as we meet all our suppliers from all corners of the globe in one spot and we are always on the lookout for new products. We had a look at a new motor we will be selling in the new year; its a Craftsman 85hp diesel, Dutch company, Hyundai power plant and marinised in India!
Craftsman 85hp |
After the show finished we flew to Southampton, picked up the hire car and drove to Poole. The good thing about going with the boss is you get a better hire car and we had a very nice little Mercedes something!
At Poole we stayed at the RNLI training college which also doubles as a hotel open to the general public.
It really is such great institution and the facilities down there blew me away. They have a huge pool where they practice rescues and righting lifeboats, class rooms, slipways and repair yards for the lifeboats plus administration buildings; well worth a visit if you are down that way.
Our rental car |
View from my window |
RNLI Hotel |
Interesting sculpture outside of RNLI centre |
After a night in Poole we drove up to Norfolk to meet a supplier in King Lynn. After a quick lunch with him we went to my my boss's brother- in-law's place, who lives in a lovely little village called Thornham. It reminded me of that programme 'A Place in the Country' - lovely house with gardens and a view to die for! We went down the local for drinks and dinner to a fantastic pub called the
Lifeboat. 'Spider' (the brother- in-law) is known by all and sundry as he is the local builder who has virtually rebuilt the village, using traditional building methods. Oh and the pub allowed dogs!!!!
Spiders House and Garage! |
The Garden and View |
After Thornham we drove south to London, where we had a hotel booked for 2 nights right next to Tower Bridge!
Lovely Norfolk Windmill |
We used the Thames Clippers on the river to get about, we only had to see one supplier so we actually had one day off to go sightseeing.
Spot the Bus |
I love the Battle of Britain sculpture, it is so different from the norm. My boss's dad, who is still alive, flew Spitfires in the war but missed the Battle of Britain. I have read all his diaries - basically he enjoyed his time over there and, as he says, he enjoyed his war even though of the group he left Australia with only 2 returned.
We also visited the Churchill war rooms, which have been left just as they were or reconstructed to as they were in wartime. Once again if you are in London a must see.
Churchills seat was the one at the far end middle |
Chief of Staff's Room |
Churchill's Bedroom |
Whilst we were walking down Whitehall we heard an almighty bang ... a van went through the security and had activated the anti-terrorism posts. The van shot about 4 foot in the air and was thrown against the wall; when they released the posts it had smashed the sump and rear axle plus body damage, when they pushed it forward it crabbed along at 45 degrees! Oops !
Unlucky Van |
We caught the clipper down to Limehouse and we had a beer at the pub by the entrance. Can't wait to do that trip down the Thames in the sardine can!
Limehouse |
After London I dropped the boss at Heathrow and spent 2 nights at Mum's and caught up with the rest of the family ...
Mum feeding my Niece's Horse. Plus My Brother Russell |
All in all a really enjoyable but hectic trip.
Now the Bloody House.........Saturday was the last official open house of the year - 4 groups went through and, according to Mr Real Estate, two of those are very interested (again !). So far, we have had lots of 'very interested' but not one has made a half decent offer. We are absolutely 100% we are priced right but we don't have the flat garden that 99% of the population with their 2.5 children and Ford Cortina want. So unless we get an offer in the next few weeks that's it folks. :(
Nothing happens in the real estate market now till after Australia Day, which is January 26th, 2012. We will then see how the market is and make a decision to re list with current agents or try someone new. It's been a very interesting (challenging) 3 months we have had approx 20 open houses and 100 groups through! Poor Elaine is well and truly over it, especially when Mr Real Estate has a 'red hot prospect' who can't come on the Saturday scheduled open day and comes mid week. Elaine spends 2.5hours getting the house shipshape and then takes the dogs down the road and watches Mr Real Estate turn up with a woman, her baby and a toddler. In Elaine's words 'F#$%^K !!' - you know they will never buy it in a million years! Since we put the house on the market 3 months ago every other house (approx 12) in the same area and price range have sold, except ours and 2 others. One is an overpriced dump and the other is a fantastic house a bit like ours but isn't kid friendy. Isn't there any one out there who doesnt like kids! Its a joke OK....well bit of a joke, we just prefer animals. On the last few open houses we even resorted to putting pictures up of our friends children to make the house appear child friendly. (Desparate or wot ?!!)
After the last open day Saturday we did the proper thing and went down to Manly at 3.00pm went on a pub crawl and got pissed....It was great!
Although we are frustrated with the delay we are both healthy and happy, all the animals are healthy and I think they are happy and we live in one of the most desirable parts of the world. But we will make it to the England of our dreams living on our narrowboat cruising the lovely canals and rivers, exploring gorgeous villages and going to DOG FRIENDLY pubs - one of these days !
PS: It is supposed to be summer now and is FREEZING !!!