Today was the day we walked around Narrabeen Lake; we had planned to do it for a while but with constant house showings and Elaine's knee op, then it was too hot etc.
Today was a perfect 24 degrees, so off we went. The lake is about 10ks north from where we live so its not too far - I pass it every day driving to work. Talking of driving I had the boss's car for the weekend because he wanted the ute to move some furniture. The last thing he said to me Friday was "don't fiddle with anything and don't take your bloody dogs in my car......."

We left the car park and walked around the lake in a clockwise direction past some of the lake side houses.Today was a perfect 24 degrees, so off we went. The lake is about 10ks north from where we live so its not too far - I pass it every day driving to work. Talking of driving I had the boss's car for the weekend because he wanted the ute to move some furniture. The last thing he said to me Friday was "don't fiddle with anything and don't take your bloody dogs in my car......."

This one would be the worst house, best street etc and still probably worth a couple of million!! It was a total dump.
I reckon it was going to be about a 12k walk so it was going to be a good test for Elaine's knee
The lake is used by canoeists, sailors, windsurfers and fisherman, it is a lovely but very shallow lake
Sam was very interested in the ducks and geese so we had to keep him on his lead as he would just swim after them and not stop.
Sammy started to suffer in the heat so we regularly had to stop and let him have a swim or sit in the shade for a while
Another thing that really upsets Sam is when he gets twigs and leaves stuck around his bum and of course he makes it worse by dragging his arse along the floor and everything sticks to him, every now and again Elaine has to give him a clean crap just sticks and mud, god knows how he is going to go on the tow path!
Of course there are the occasional 'dogs banned' signs but this one also bans cats...come on pussy lets go for a walk! They are just so dumb.
The walk also cuts across part of Cromer golf club, which was quite nice. You can also cycle around the lake and I would have to say all the cyclists were very polite, we only saw one wanker in the full Tour De France get up.
Towards the very end you have to cut across the Academy of Sports Ground, there were quite a lot of Cockatoos strutting about.
You have to cut across the sports ground as there is no way round it, by now we only about 2 ks from the car, as we entered the ground there was a huge sign saying 'Absolutely No Dogs Past This Point' - which we chose to totally ignore ... there was no way we were going to back track 10 ks. I think we would have happily told them where to go at that point !
Nearly back at the car and there is a new section of walk/cycle way which is very impressive, there is even a sign warning of snakes!